Monday, October 29, 2012


S@A Glenn D called the meeting to order and handed the meeting over to Club President Philip for a General Welcome to a very large gathering that included Visitors; Matt, Amelia and Susan. And made special mention that this was the first meeting of our newly married couple Lyndal and Daniel before passing the meeting to John as the Chairman for the first half of the meeting.

Formal Apologies had been received from Fazard, Tiffany, Glen H, Kimberley and Bernard.

John invited Peter to read the Mission of the Club before asking Marlowe to provide us the challenge of the Word of the Day – Rapacious!

John provided the topic of ‘Anniversaries’ as the theme of the brief Introductions.
VPE Meghan took us through some minor updates to the Agenda while Glenn D took on the challenge of Leadership Manual Evaluations for the first time.

The Toastmaster for the first Speech Session was Lyndal who as always tackled the role with great poise and precision, introducing 2 speakers.
Neelan delivered his Ice Breaker entitled; ‘My Journey’ which proved to be an exceptionally well prepared and structured incite in Neelan’s private and business life and revealed a great deal of what motivates him in his journey. An exceptionally polished Ice Breaker.
The second speaker was Club president Philip with a rehearsal for a speech he will deliver next Saturday at the 50th Anniversary Dinner evening as the President’s Address. Philip combined, history, commitment and a principle of putting pack into the Club as much as you get out of it in a stirring motivational address delivered with confidence and authority.
Neelan was Evaluated by Peter who provided some excellent advice and substantial praise for what was an exemplary Ice Breaker speech.
Philip was Evaluated by Daniel T as well as inviting any other comment and feedback in preparation for the upcoming 50th Anniversary celebrations.

Following a 10 minute Break S@A Glenn handed the meeting to President Philip as Chairman for the second half.

Ua presented a very timely Toast to ‘Team Spirit’ before Philip called on Meghan to conduct the Second Speech Session as Toastmaster.

Paul delivered a speech entitled “Six and Out” in which he provided an insight into the rapidly expanding third generation of his family in a warm and charming tale that provided an amusing incite into his growing clan.

Nikita presented her first Ice Breaker speech entitled; “A Dream that Tells a Tale”, which provided an excellent insight into her story so far. An exceptionally well written, rehearsed and delivered speech which had a generous supply of humour, wit and solid story telling, addressing all the objectives of an Ice Breaker.
VPM Mark then followed with an audio visual presentation from the Advanced Club Series “Finding New Members” reinforcing not only the benefits of membership growth but illuminating the importance of both encouraging and supporting new membership and how it is the role of every member to contribute.

Paul was Evaluated by Daniel T, Nikita by John demonstrating their experience and providing great encouragement balanced with points for improvement.
Mark”s Educational required no Evaluation.

Table Topics was presided over by Philip and while sensitive to the diminishing time encouraged a couple of the newer members and the evening’s Visitors to tackle the challenge of speaking to some normally well know colloquial sayings.
The biggest surprises came from a Visitor Matt and very new member William as they got up and had a go.
Evaluations were undertaken by Brett and the Editor unfortunately didn’t note the second Evaluator who had stood in at the last minute..

Ums and Ahs Count was recorded by Raghav in his first undertaking in that role.
Grammarian Marlowe picked up a couple of outings by the Word of the Day and had both questionable phrases and some articulate phrases to draw our attention to.
The Big Ears challenge was administrated by Brett.
Paul had kept track of the Timing for the evening and reminded us of the importance of keeping to schedule.
Peter provided a very succinct General Evaluation of the evening in order to keep us to a respectable time limit.

Both Visitors provided very supportive feedback in the Guests Comments before President Philip presented his Closing Remarks including a reminder regarding Saturday night’s upcoming 50th Anniversary and congratulated John on coming second in both the Humorous Speech and Table Topics competitions at the  Phillip Division contest last weekend at Campbelltown.

Saturday 27th October – 50th Anniversary Dinner
Concord RSL Club

Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th November
(That’s 3 weeks time).

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