Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CONCORD WEST TOASTMASTERS MEETING No: 1106 – Tuesday 14th June 2011

Debate Toastmaster Natasha introducing the Affirmative Team (Left) and Negative Team (Right)

In the (rare) absence of our S@A Daniel, Kymberly called the meeting to order and handed over to Club President Brett for his Welcome and the meeting over to the Chairman for the First Session Philip.

Apologies were received from Paul V and we Welcomed Visitors Edmond and Sandra.
Vicki read the Reading of the Mission of the Club and Grammarian Paul M presented the Word of the Day. The Word ‘Ingenuous’ was presented to the members for strategic inclusion during the meeting.

Chairman Philip then asked for Introductions with a theme of; “Recent Successes” which provided scope for a variety of close and personal revelations.
VPE Chris took us through a fairly significant Agenda Update while Bernard took on the task of Leadership Manual Evaluations.
District Governor Philip Bendeich then made a special presentation to the Club for the District 70 Print Media Award for 2011 (See separate posting).

Toastmaster for the First Session was Natasha who outlined the guidelines for the Debate and introduced the Topic – ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ and the combatants. For the Affirmative: Josh, Vicki and Glen H, while the Negative team were: Brett, Chris and Peter C.
Overall there were some splendid arguments presented by both sides, personal and analytical. Participants had met prior to the meeting in order to refine their positions and some detailed research was also evident in their deliveries.

All participants kept to time and followed the guidelines of a debate making for a thoroughly entertaining and informative session, which amply demonstrated the objectives encouraged by Toastmasters. An excellent showcase for what they have achieved in their involvement in our Club across a variety of months and years of membership.
We went to the Break while the 2 Evaluators and the Toastmaster retired to consider both their evaluations and the winner of the evening’s debate.
Kymberley called us to Order again and Natasha resumed the roll of Toastmaster for the Second Session.

John had the task of providing an Evaluation for the Affirmative Team and the individual Affirmative speakers, and was followed by Kymberley providing an Evaluation for the Negative team and speakers, while avoiding revealing the outcome.
Natasha then presented the Winning Awards to the Negative Team while outlining some of the key issues that got them across the line.
Overall an excellent evening and full credit must go to our VPM Natasha for all the organisational effort that she put into such splendid inaugural Debate.

President Brett then conducted a follow-up Election for outstanding Executive positions for 2011-12. It was announced that Paul M had chosen to fill the role of Sergeant-of-Arms leaving the role of Club Treasurer vacant. Nominations were then received and seconded for Sam as Treasurer. The role of Vice President Marketing/PR remains vacant at this stage.
The current VPPR John is most willing to assist anyone who would be keen to consider this role and you can contact him to ask any questions you might have about the role.

The evening concluded with the standard Evaluations from Ums and Ahs (Sam), Grammarian (Paul M), Big Ears (Megan standing in for Katrina who had to leave early) and Timers Report (Sandra in collaboration with Dai Fei). The General Evaluation was presented by Paul C and Forward Planning by Chris.

Our Guests were invited to make an observation of the evening and President Brett delivered his Closing remarks.

(LtoR) Toastmaster Natasha with the winning Negative Team, Peter C, Chris and Brett
Saturday 25th June – District Changeover; Liverpool Catholic Club
Tuesday 28th June – Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th July – Executive Change Over Evening

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