Saturday, November 20, 2010

Special Mention of Special Speech

There was a very crucial omission in the last posting. 
The Editor overlooked a spectacular speech presented by Glen H in presenting his 10th Speech from the Competent Communicator Manual – under the heading of ‘Inspire Your Audience’ with a speech entitled: Rivers of Gold, Streams of Tears. 
In this highly emotive speech, Glen drew on some personal connections to outline the hypocrisy and duplicity of many Clubs and organisations who present themselves as having social responsibility and community involvement, while making vast fortunes out of instigating misery and social disfunction through gambling and irresponsible service of alcohol. Glen also touched on the media and political manipulation used by the tobacco, alcohol and gaming industries. 
It truly was a motivating speech and Glen charged the audience – to do something. To write to their politicians of all persuasions and challenge their duplicity in being so accepting of the political donations as well as the lobbyist’s spin from these powerful groups.
Glen was very ably Evaluated by Sam who not only gave a very positive assessment of the speeches structure, but also of its power and motivational character. 
Again the Editor does apologise for the oversight brought about by the many changes that were required in the order of the evening.

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