The Club got into the ‘spirit’ of the occasion with ghoulish delight. The ‘Black Witch’ took home the prize for best costume of the night. |
The Theme – All Hallow’s Evening …..
Call to Order – S@A – Jake
President Bernard’s Welcome and explanation of the
decorations and costuming for Halloween
Chairman One – John
Apologies – Kate, Alan,
Visitors – Stefan, Jarrod &
Word of the Day – Jake – Lycanthropy –
a rare
psychiatric syndrome that involves a delusion that the affected person can
transform into, has transformed into, or is a non-human animal.
Introductions – Based on the theme of Halloween
Reading of the Mission – Jake
Agenda & Forward Planning – Simon [FIRST]
Leadership Manual Evaluations
Toastmaster for Prepared Speeches – Paul V.
Speaker 1: Daniel T – [Contest Practice] – My Holidays
as a Child
Speaker 2: Preethi S – [CC#1] – Ice Breaker – Sailing Away from a Safe Harbor. [FIRST]
Speaker 3: Anna P [CC#6] – Not for the Lazy
Speaker 4: Paul H [CC#1] – Ice Breaker – 10 Minutes
Time [FIRST]
Evaluator 1: Peter C
Evaluator 2: Philip B
Evaluator 3: John H
Evaluator 4: Simon L
Call to Order – S@A Jake P
Toast – Heather G – The Pumpkin Growers
Table Topics Master – Nick – Based on Halloween
Evaluator Odds – Marcella L [FIRST]
Evaluator Evens – Bernard L
Ums & Ahs Counter – John H
Big Ears – Kelly L
Timers Report – Lyndal E.T
General Evaluator – Glen H
Visitors Comments
Executive AnnouncementS;
- President Bernard L announced
the upcoming 30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner for neighbouring
Area 6 Club – Smooth Speech Toastmasters. Invitations coming. 21st
November at Burwood RSL
- VPPR John passed an informal
Vote of Thanks to Concord West Club and some long-term members in particular
for their support and encouragement over many years, which has contributed to
his recent success in taking out First Place in the Phillip Division Humorous
Speech Contest. Further acknowledging that while he is representing our sister
club Concord Yaralla, he is equally representing Concord West in Canberra at
the District 70 Contest.
President’s Closing Remarks: With special thanks to VPE
Kelly and S@A Jake and others for their enthusiasm for our first Theme Night in
a long time.
Next Meeting – Tuesday 10th November 2015
District 70 Semi Annual Conference
Friday to Sunday 13th - 15th November 2015
Hellenic Club Phillip ACT
District 70 Humorous & Table Topics Contest
Following Meeting – Tuesday 24th November 2015