Thursday, July 21, 2011

CONCORD WEST TOASTMASTERS MEETING No: 1108 – Tuesday 12th July 2011

Our newly appointed Sergeant @ Arms Paul M called us to order in is his first meeting in that role. Paul M handed the meeting over to the newly appointed President John for his Welcome and control of the meeting as Chairperson for the first half of the meeting.

We welcomed Rino as our only Guest for the evening. Formal apologies had been received from Bett, Paul V, Philip, Katrina and Vicki.

Sam stepped in to read the Mission of the Club and Paul M presented the Word (phrase) of the Day; Carpe Diem.
Chairman John asked that Introductions be kept to a brief and basic introduction in order to make provision for a special Change-Over Night supper to be held at the Break. The newly appointed Vice President Education, Kimberley undertook an Agenda update and Chris took on responsibility for the Leadership Manual Evaluations.

A special segment had been set aide for the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the outgoing Executive Team including: Brett; Past President, Chris; Vice President Education, Natasha; Vice President Membership, John; Vice President Marketing/PR, Glen; Secretary, Peter C; Treasurer, Daniel; Sergeant @ Arms and Paul V; Immediate Past President. The Meeting acknowledged their fabulous contributions to the Club.
Dai Fei was Toastmaster for the first speech section and introduced Paul M with a thought provoking second speech on the topic of our mining resources from the Competent Communicator Manual #2 entitled; It Will Be Gone Forever! Paul delivered an excellently researched and emotively presented address on this highly topical issue.

Paul M was very ably Evaluated by Bernard in what is still one of his earlier evaluations following the Praise, Improvement, Praise formula to great effect.
We went to a break slightly earlier just as an array of hot finger food and tea and coffee was delivered to room. This longer one-off Break provided a rare opportunity for Members to chat informally and just added to the special nature of the evening.

S@A Paul called us back to order a little later and handed the meeting to Glen H as Chairman for the second half. Dai Fei led the evening’s Toast with a very evocative tribute to young drivers getting their drivers licence.
Daniel was Toastmaster for the second group of speakers introducing Meghan with her Ice Breaker Speech #1 – Introducing Myself. Meghan presentation, structure and delivery were extemporary for an Ice Breaker and had her audience in the palm of her hand. Well done.

The second speaker was Peter C with the second speech from the Advanced Communicator Manual – Storytelling. Peter took us all on a wonderful journey with the adventures and memories of his families beloved old Tarago (people mover). It wasn’t just an example of a highly experienced speaker, but a thoroughly enjoyable tale that captivated his audience.

Meghan was enthusiastically Evaluated by Glenn D and Peter by Dai Fei, both demonstrating increasing confidence and development in the arduous technique demanded of Evaluation.
Peter C stood in as a late replacement to present a slightly reduced Table Topics segment and followed a very sound technique of having experienced members on their feet first, followed by lesser experienced speakers while ensuring that those who had not had much speaking opportunity were involved. Peter also used a tried and tested them of having each speaker deal with an abstract topic provided just moments before.

The evenings final Evaluations were carried out by Peter C; ums and Ahs counter, Paul M; Grammarian with a pleasing number of speakers using the word of the day. Big Ears was presented by Sandra and the Timer’s Report by Natasha. Kimberley delivered the overall General Evaluation providing quality feedback for those participants who had not been evaluated.

Rino delivered an impressive Guest’s Comment and following a number of announcements regarding some special upcoming events, John concluded the meeting with his closing remarks.
Tuesday 26th July – Guest Speaker Dave Griffiths
Dave is preparing to go to the US to represent District 70 in the World Championships. This is a meeting not to be missed and would be a great night to invite Visitors and Guests

Tuesday 9th August – Normal Meeting
Tuesday 23rd August – Club Humorous and Table Topics Competition 2011
Tuesday 6th August – Area 6 Humorous and Table Topics Competition 2011 at Burwood RSL

Sunday, July 10, 2011

CONCORD WEST TOASTMASTERS MEETING No: 1107 – Tuesday 28th June 2011

Daniel called us to order in what will be his last meeting as Sergeant at Arms as the Toastmaster year comes to an end. Daniel handed the meeting over to President Brett for his Welcome and control of the meeting to Dai Fei as Chairperson for the first half of the meeting.
We welcomed Edmond who advised that he is formally joining the Club and Natalie as a guest of Brett’s and the return of Lyndel visiting from Hunter’s hill Club. Apologies were received from Natasha, Chris and Vicki.

Bernard presented the Reading of the Mission of the Club and Dai Fei pre-empted her other role as Grammarian for the evening by presenting the Word of the Day; Proliferate.
A significant Agenda Update and Leadership Manual Evaluations followed introductions.
Glenn D was Toastmaster for the first speech section and introduced John who spoke from the Advanced communicator Storytelling Manual No:2 – Let’s Get Personal with a speech entitled; A Very Personal Journey, where he recounted his experiences both good and bad with Public Speaking in the past and concluded by encouraging members to apply themselves to the Toastmaster’s challenges.

The second speaker was Josh who delivered speech No:9 from the Competent Communicator Manual; Persuade with Power with a Speech entitled; Ultimate Health and wellness. Speaking from a knowledgeable position in Food science, Josh provided quite a wake-up call in regard to the things we eat and the way in which we apply ourselves to maintaining good nutrition and health.

John was very ably Evaluated by Kimberley and Josh by Glen H. Both of whom have great prowess when it comes to balanced and encouraging evaluations that are both incisive and motivating.

After the Break, a very busy Glenn D assumed the role of Chairman for the second half and introduced Kimberley who presented the Toast for the evening.

In the role of Toastmaster for the second half, Glen H introduced Daniel who continued an emerging theme of health for the evening with a speech entitled; Permanent Medication providing a vivid insight into the pain and discomfort he had suffered recently and urged us all to carefully consider monitoring our health more closely.

Bernard then presented Speech No:4 from the Competent Communicator manual How to Say It; with yet another health related story; Say Okay and be Healed. In it Bernard related a very recent and graphic account of having severe pain relieved by agreeing to Acupuncture which on the outset exposed him to a personal terror – needles.

Both speakers were again very capably Evaluated by Brett and Glenn D, following the best course of Praise, improvement praise, each with their own very unique styles of delivery.
Juliet lead the evening’s Table Topics with yet another interesting and varied format. On this occasion Juliet had a series of scenarios written out in advance and asked speakers to come up and give an account of our response to those scenarios. Then the preceding speaker would select another topic at random and then appoint someone they deemed appropriate to respond. 
Another intriguing season of unpredictable and well-developed responses ensued.
The final Evaluations of the evening were kicked off by Lyndel who despite a quite debilitating does of laryngitis managed as Ums and Ahs Counter. Dai Fei pointed out some interesting issues of Grammar, both good and bad. Josh challenged our listening skills and his throwing arm in awarding treats for the Big Ears segment.

Brett delivered a well-monitored Timers report and Paul M rounded off with his first ever General Evaluation in a very unique sequence focussing first on the member participants and looking at all their roles during the evening’s meeting. A highly commendable and creative approach.

Following Guest Feedback a special presentation was made by Vice President Education (elect) Kimberley to outgoing President Brett on the completion of both his Advanced Communicator Bronze and his Advanced Leader Bronze at upon the completion of his second level of Communication and Leadership Manuals. Well-done Brett.
Brett then concluded the meeting with his closing remarks.
Tuesday 12th July – Executive Change Over Evening & Supper
Tuesday 26th July – Guest Speaker Dave Griffiths
Dave is preparing to go to the US to represent District 70 in the World Championships.
This is a meeting not to be missed and would be a great night to invite Visitors and Guests.