S@A Glenn called the meeting
to order introducing President Philip, who after welcoming a Visitor, Annie advised
the meeting of the passing of a District Toastmaster Tony Zammit and provided
some background into Tony’s passing as well as his role in District 70. Phiip
then requested a one minutes’ silence in memory of Tony.
Before handing the meeting to the Chairman for the session – Paul, Philip asked us all to recite the Mission of the Club together.
Apologies: No formal apologies had
been received.
Introductions –To accompany our
Introductions Paul charged us with a brief account of out Post Grand final Week
which produced some very surprising and richly diverse interpretations of the
‘Grand Final’ weekend.
The Agenda Update was very extensive but
was handled with aplomb by VPE Meghan.
Leadership Manual
Evaluation - Peter.
The first prepared speech session was led by Toastmaster Glen H and started off with
an Educational from Peter – Beginning a Speech – in which Peter took us very
methodically through some excellent guidelines and meaty examples accompanied
by a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation was also accompanied by some
very useful handout notes.
The second Prepared Speech was delivered by Kimberley
entitled: “Travel Wisdom (Part 2)” in which Kimberley drew on incidents from a very
recent overseas trip unraveling pearls of wisdom that included hiring a Pick Up
Truck, a not-so-luxurious launch commute and some very keen advice regarding
choosing your airline carefully.
The third Prepared Speech was presented by Tiffany entitled:
“The Principle Benefits of Community Development”, in which Tiffany
demonstrated great passion and knowledge of a somewhat complex subject that is
obviously close to her heart and area of expertise. It was a highly informative
and well structured speech delivered with genuine intent.
Peter was Evaluated
by Paul, Kimberley by Meghan and Tiffany by Philip, all of whom demonstrated
exemplary adjudication and listening skills with a faithful adherence to the
Evaluation principles of Praise, Improvement, Praise.
Going to the Break a fair way overtime S@A Glenn D called us back to order and handed the meeting to
Philip as Chairman for the second
half of the evening.
Paul delivered the Toast
for the evening before Glenn D assumed the mantle of Toastmaster for the second session introducing Sanga with his Ice
Breaker Speech entitled “Lucky Enough”. Sanga gave an excellent account of
himself as he unpacked the successes that he can identify in his life thus far
and in so doing gave us an excellent account of his background story in him
first ever speech to the Club.
Glenn D then introduced Ua with his third speech entitled;
“Do you shop on Price or Service”, revealing a very thoughtful and well planned
analysis of buying habits and attitudes and challenging us to more specifically
think through our motivations when purchasing anything in today’s marketplace.
Sanga was Evaluated
by Kimberley having a very busy night, while Glen H gave some great
encouragement and direction to Ua in an analysis of his excellent speech.
The meeting was then handed over to John as Table Topics
Master for the evening. John sort to extract the creative juices from the
assembled group by asking each presenter to give an account of what and how
they would tackle a variety of creative expressions like writing a novel,
painting a picture, writing a letter to the Editor etc. This provoked a variety
of responses from the humorous to the thoughtful and most places in between.
With time running out Mark and new member Nakita did an
excellent overview of the respective odd and even numbered presenters.
Brief Reports were delivered for the following items:
Ums and Ahs were captured by Faz.
Grammarian was conducted by Mark.
Timer’s Report was recorded by Bernard.
Big Ears were rewarded by
And a brief General
Evaluation was expediently covered by John.
Meghan took the meeting through the Forward Planner.
It was acknowledged that both Willian and Neelan have joined
the Club and will be more formally welcomed at a future meeting.
Visitor Annie paid tribute to the general friendliness of
the assembled group.
President Philip presenting the Tony Spragg Trophy for Humorous Speech to the 2012 Winner John |
President Philip made a presentation to the newest Club
Humorous Contest Winner John of the Tony Spragg Trophy for Humorous Speeches
before providing
some closing remarks and encouraged the Club Members to attend the Area 6
Humorous Speech and Table Topics Competition in place of our normal meeting in
a fortnight’s time, before declaring the meeting closed.
Tuesday 9th
October – Area 6 Humorous and Table
Topics Competition
Burwood RSL Club – 7pm
Tuesday 23rd
October – Normal Meeting
Saturday 27th October – 50th Anniversary Dinner
Concord RSL Club